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中评智库:南海仲裁案有违海洋法公约缔约精神 | |
http://www.CRNTT.com 2016-08-06 00:05:09 |
注释 ①R, W. Smith and B. Thomas, “Island Dispute and the Law of the Sea: An Examination of Sovereignty and Delimitation of Disputes” in M. H. Norquist and J. N. Moroe (eds.) Security Flashpoints: Oil, Islands, Sea Access and Military Confrontation, M. Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague 1998, p. 69. ②Frank China, “Seeking a South China Sea Solution,” New Straits Times, 30 July 2015. ③“Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility,” The Republic of Philippines v. The People's Republic of China, 29 Oct. 2015, http://www.pcacases.com/web/sendAttach/1506. ④Dominique Askew and Anthony Long, “Maritime Boundaries: UNCLOS and disputes over the right to explore and develop offshore reserves and the effect on the oil and gas industry,” http://www.kslaw.com/library/newsletters/EnergyNewsletter/2013/January/article1.html. ⑤Maritime Dispute (Peru v. Chile), http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/index.php?p1=3&p2=2&case=137 ⑥David Newman, “Borderline View: Defending Israel on the high seas,” the Jerusalem Post, March 12 2014, http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/BORDERLINE-VIEWS-Defending-Israel-on-the-high-seas-345078. ⑦《菲律宾向美军开放五座基地靠近南沙》,载《北京晚报》2016年03月20日。 ⑧《卡特访菲凸显菲律宾地位变化阿基诺三世受到鼓舞》,载《环球时报》2016年4月11日。 ⑨《美菲宣布联合巡航南海》,载《环球时报》2016年4月15日。 ⑩Trefor Moss and Jeremy Page, “U.S. Stationing Warplanes in Philippines Amid South China Sea Tensions,”the Wall Street Journal.April 15, 2016. ⑪ibid. ⑫Renato Cruz De Castro, “The Aquino Administration’s Balancing Policy against an Emergent China: Its Domestic and External Dimensions,”Pacific Affairs: Volume 87, No. 1 March 2014, pp.5-27. |
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