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中评智库:从经济视角看两制台湾方案 | |
http://www.CRNTT.com 2022-08-22 00:05:09 |
接着,两岸可以继续往“经济统一”前进,亦即社会制度、法律体系等虽然还未相同,但在已有的自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场基础上,进行政策协调,逐渐采取一致性的经济、货币、财政、金融等政策;事实上,这可以使供应链、产业链、人才链、资金链、价值链、创新链、政策链等更有效紧密地结合,充分展现出两岸“经济统一”后的大规模利益。 当政治精英与普罗大众认知与感受到“经济统一”的好处,就能进而由经济范畴扩展到政治领域的统一;在确保国家主权、安全、发展利益的前提下,尊重台湾同胞的社会制度、生活方式,也保障台湾同胞的私人财产、宗教信仰、合法权益,同时一起传承中华优秀传统文化,推动实现其创造性转化、创新性发展,加深相互理解,增进互信认同,达到两岸同胞心灵契合的“政治统一”。 小结 总而言之,本文试图从经济层面开始,提出“两制”台湾方案的推动构想,期待抛砖引玉,让方案在竞争的台湾政治市场上,愈来愈展现“和平统一、一国两制”是实现国家统一的最佳方式,体现海纳百川、有容乃大的中华智慧,进而获得愈来愈多台湾有识之士和政治精英与普罗大众青睐,争取愈来愈多人坚定信念站到历史正确的一边,为增进两岸同胞美好生活努力,让两岸共创中华民族伟大复兴! 本文是国家社会科学基金项目课题“一国两制的行政功能研究”(批准号:19BZZ106)、国家社会科学基金重大项目课题“一国两制台湾方案研究”(批准号:19ZDA129)阶段性成果。 注释: ①David Mitrany, A Working Peace System: An Argument for the Functional Development of International. Organization (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1966). ②David Mitrany, “The Functional Approach in Historical Perspective,” International Affairs, Vol.47, No.3 (1971). ③Ernst B. Haas, Beyond the Nation-State: Functionalism and International Organization, (Redwood City: Stanford University Press, 1964). ④Philippe C. Schmitter, “Three Neo-Functional Hypotheses about International Organization,” International Organization, Vol.23, No.1, (1969). ⑤Ernst B. Haas and Philippe C. Schmitter, “Economics and Differential Patterns of Political Integration: Projections about Unity in Latin America,” International Organization, Vol.18, No.4, (1964). ⑥Karl Deutsch et al., “Political Community and the North Atlantic Area,” International Political Community: An Anthology (New York: Anchor Books, 1966). ⑦Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks, Community Scale and Reginal Governance: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). ⑧Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks, “A Post-functionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus,” British Journal of Political Science, Vol.39, No.1, (2009). ⑨Bela A. Balassa, The Theory of Economic Integration (Wilmington: Hassell Street Press, 2021). |
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