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 This study was designed to investigate the dimensions and components of intercultural communication competence. After reviewing the research literature, the dimensions of intercultural communication competence were categorized as Personal Attributes including selfdisclosure, selfawareness, selfconcept, and social relaxation, Communication Skills (including message skills, interaction management, social skills, and behavioral flexibility), Psychological Adaptation, (including abilities to deal with frustration, stress, social alienation, and ambiguity), and Cultural Awareness (including understanding of social values, social customs, social norms, and social systems). 

 In this study, 149 international students served as subjects. They received an instrumentation booklet that included six questionnaires designed to tap the various dimensions of intercultural communication competence. Each subject was asked to identify two Americans who knew him/her well. These acquaintances were sent two questionnaires designed to measure intercultural communication competence and communication skills.

 The results of Pearson productmoment correlations showed that significant positive correlations existed between and among measures of Personal Attributes, Communication Skills, Psychological Adaptation, and Cultural Awareness. 

 Canonical analysis results indicated that a linear combination of the components of intercultural communication competence was related significantly and positively to a linear combination of measures of the Personal Attributes, Communication Skills, Psychological Adaptation, and Cultural Awareness.

 The results of multiple regression analysis revealed that Brent Ruben's (1976) seven dimensions of intercultural communication competence were best predicted by measures of communication competence, honesty/accuracy of disclosure, and amount of disclosure.

 Factor analysis results showed that a new model of intercultural communication competence could be developed. The dimensions of the new model were Social Adjustment (including social anxiety, communication adaptability, communication responsiveness, and social situations), SelfConsciousness (including private selfconsciousness and public selfconsciousness), Communication Competence (including intercultural communication competence, and communication competence), SelfDisclosure (including depth of disclosure and amount of disclosure), and Interaction Involvement (including communication attentiveness and communication perceptiveness).

 It was suggested that the results of this new model may help to clarify some of the confusion over the dimensions of intercultural communication competence. Limitations and directions for future research were explored. 