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韩国瑜哈佛演讲 指不能视美国友谊理所当然
http://www.CRNTT.com   2019-04-12 08:50:29

  The United States is without a doubt a very important friend to Taiwan ROC. The US has been our ally in terms of economics, security, military, and politics. We had the Mutual Defense Treaty, and afterwards we have the Taiwan Relations Act, which provides Taiwan with military defense capabilities. The US is also our important trade partner, and our mutual collaborations over the years have given Taiwan a secure and peaceful environment that allowed for our great economic and political developments. We cannot, and should not, drag our American friends down because we are not able to handle the Cross Straits relations effectively. It is one thing to befriend our American allies but it's something else to take the American friendship for granted. We must assume our share of the responsibility to secure peace in the Taiwan Straits so that our people can live in democracy and prosperity. 

  To conclude, the reason I won the election is because the Kaohsiung people agree with my down to earth call for revitalizing the economy and upholding the stability. Actually most of the people in Taiwan all want, in my down to earth expression, “Taiwan is safe, and people are rich.” Since this is Harvard and there must be a lot of Christian friends here today, I would like to take a verse from the Bible's Book of Philippians as my closing remark. “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal.” 

  I pressed on walking the walk and that is the power of being down to earth. Without feet on the ground, we cannot walk. 

    Thanks again for inviting me and thank you all very much for listening. Thank you!

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